Saturday, May 8, 2010

Keeping Aroo Company

Now is when I wish that animals could talk. I'm cat sitting my little buddy Aroo. Got to his apt and found him here--in the basket in the closet. So many he here cause he's feeling that badly? Or is he a bit out of sorts cause his human went away? Or both? Just how bad is he feeling? I think perhaps he's staying close to his human's smell. He seemed content, even though he is pretty ill. Aroo was born with leukemia and has been dealing with hepatitis and recently added anemia to the list. He has had many treatments...which reminds me, someday I want to do workshops on mouthwork for cats. If you have to give a cat medication it can seem like you're torturing them. And the human can feel awful and then the cat ends up not getting the proper meds and can get sicker. There is a way to get them used to having you be around their mouth, just as there is a way to get them used to having their paws touched. And I recently found out some can be given in long-acting injections.

Back to Aroo: He was happy for my attention. I did some work around his ears and the top of his head, around his neck. And some sliding down his torso. Then he rolled on his side for me to rub his belly. I was gentle and used the back of my hand so there would be less heat. His belly is already pretty hot. He seemed to like it. I also did some reiki. I went out of the room to take care of a couple of things and when I returned he was out of the closet and up on a chair. Yeay, Aroo! Now he is lying next me while I work at the desk. He's on the soft desk chair and I have a wooden folding chair--of course. Had a scare today cause when I saw how thin he looks I called the vet who said I should bring him in for you-know-what. We've already done so much intervention and he rallies a bit and then sinks again. But I think the vet said that partly because he was not going to be there on Sunday and what if Aroo gets really bad then? Even though he is thin, he's breathing ok and looks comfortable and is interested in interaction. I decided to meditate and he came out to sit with me. Then he smelled around a bit. Not interested in food right now,  though. This is not a good sign.

I get to thinking about when the time to pass comes. How does one really know? Why do they euthanize animals and not humans? Is it possible that an animal can pass peacefully in their own home? Aroo is now purring softly, stretched out comfortably. Please keep Aroo in your prayers. He's one of the sweetest, most gentle cats I have ever met. Perhaps it is his time or perhaps there will be a reprieve.

More and more it seems that we don't pass on as much as cross over. I surely don't know, but there are times when I feel the next life is closer to us then we think. Those who have crossed over are in some dimension we don't see, but perhaps can be sensed. If he is going to cross over, may it be smooth and peaceful, with a sense of how much he is and will always be loved. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers here.

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