Monday, June 21, 2010

One Step Forward, One Step Backward

Not sure why this happened, but Mr Whiskers started getting spooked and wacking me when I tried to touch him. Things were going so well. Perhaps because things are a little tense around here. I'm getting ready to let go of my apt on West I guess I may have to change the name of the blog...I got the feather out and started using the feather again with Mr Whiskers and he was more comfortable. He let me slide over his whole body with the feather, then he sighed, stretched out, and rested on his side. So I feel there is hope.

If I thought I was overwhelmed before, ha! that was nothing. So now besides taking care of 5 animals I'm painting the rooms at my mother's that I'll be moving into and sorting through things, getting rid of stuff, reorganizing. It will be the first time in about 15 years that all my belongings will be in one place. Hopefully all the animals will not get too stressed. It is probably a good thing to have to stop and take care of them, pet them, use the touches....calming, centering. Thank God for my mother who helps with feeding and my friend Ellen who helped paint!

Ms Patches has begun to come up to visit, but it wasn't the smashing reunion I hoped it might be. It was rather anticlimactic. She was more interested in him than he in her. He was more concerned that she might eat his food, so he chased her out. But there was one brief sweet encounter where they appeared to rub noses. Sort of like "hello, yes, I remember, now scram." I think he's very happy with his third floor space, windows, toys and cat climber.

You can see below by her ears that Ms Patches is a bit nervous about entering. She's such a sweet spirit, though. Rather than hiding after being chased or being aggressive or combative in return, she sits at the doorway to the room and waits. Almost like she's waiting for him to remember or get used to her. We'll see...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Scooter, The Man of the House

Scooter is enjoying the blues on the radio on a balmy Sunday morning. He loves to rest his claws in the curtain. Doesn't he look so sweet and docile? He is the number one reason why fostering cats is so hard. Scooter is a cat that sprays.

Usually male cats who are not neutered spray--for various reasons. One is to claim territory. Only 10 % of neutered cats spray and Scooter is one of those.

Scooter is my parents' cat. My mother says the only reason she keeps him around is because my father loved him so much. He really is a very sweet, very disturbed guy. They thought he was a "she" when he was young. They named him Lily, changed it to Willy, when he continuously would dash out of the house he became Scooter.

Living with Scooter makes you feel like you are living in purgatory on earth. The smell from his spraying is almost impossible to get rid of. He has been tested for any possible health problems--he was found to be very healthy. I switched him to what I feel is the healthiest diet--raw. We've tried a host of things, including valium, depo-provera; pheromone plug-ins, throwing out furniture that he doesn't stop spraying...nothing has worked. His fur is looking a little dry lately (maybe a seasonal thing, or maybe he needs to go to the vet. He is on fish oil). Right now we are trying Bach Flower remedies and adding kitty litter boxes with Cat Attract around the house. Keeping my fingers crossed. I'm also thinking of arming my mother and I with water pistols so if he sprays we can spray back (while he's not looking of course).

Mr Whiskers has to stay in the attic for his health and ours and Scooter's. Scooter is extremely territorial and does not like Mr Whiskers--he knows him from the 'hood. He once went over to the porch that Mr Whiskers was living on to pick a fight. Of course I can't say for sure I didn't see it, could have been he was trying to smell Mr Whiskers food, but why was he on Mr Whiskers porch??

So we have Mr Whiskers in the attic, Ms Patches in residence in the front bedroom, and Mia, Cuddles and Scooter eaking out a living on the first floor. This whole adventure has brought Cuddles and Mia closer. The seem to hang out together more.

It is quite an exhausting venture. My evening ritual is to start out on the first floor with my animals, saying hello, petting, TTouching, particularly Mia who has arthritis; feeding, walking (Cuddles and Mia). I clap my hands when Scooter begins to spray to startle and distract him, but then Mia barks and scared Scooter and he sprays again. I spend time brushing Scooter, which he adores--especially loves to have his face brushed. I add in a little mouthwork--circle on his lips and gums. I talk with him and tell him how much we love him but he is ruining the house and really needs to stop. While we have an extended brushing session I remind him he can mark with his face and it would be just as effective. Then we all have a treat. Then up to Ms Patches for a little playtime, then upward to Mr Whiskers to feed and TTouch. Because I don't get home til evening, it's usually about 2 am when I get to bed. So you won't see any photo of me here.

The Many Sides of Mr Whiskers

Mr Whiskers is a complicated guy. He is a strong, powerful cat. When he meuws he sounds like a kitten. Now that he's feeling better, he's moving much more quickly (he's on antibiotics for a bacterial infection). When I pet him he melts. I try to do some touches while he is eating, but he's starting to like them so much that he keels over--right into his food. Yesterday, he fell into his water bowl and didn't even flinch. He just kept leaning into my hand.  I was happy to discover he trusted me enough to dry him a bit with a paper towel. I get the feeling that he is love starved. He must have been living outside at least 3 years. While out on the street he gave this veneer of tough guy. One of the reasons he looks tough, I believe, is that he does not use any calming signals. He just looks wide eyed all the time. Who knows, he may have vision problems.

Cats have very similar calming signals to dogs I have learned. They blink their eyes (or squint) or lick their lips or look away. When I'm petting Mr Whiskers I try the squinting and looking away because he's still skittish. Even though he falls over when I pet him, if I move my hand in a way he's not ready for, he jumps. I use the back of my hand to slide down his beautiful soft fur because it has less heat, is less stimulating and possibly less threatening. He may swat, but he doesn't have his claws out, I'm very careful to read his body movement. If I feel him begin to startle I stop or withdraw, close my eyes. I'm careful because his feeder while he was outside got scratched, but he has not scratched me yet. I think watching the signals carefully helps.

He rolls over on his back exposing his belly, but I'm not going there yet. Sometimes he rolls into me, resting his paws against my leg--I pray he does not decide to use his claws and he hasn't. He really must have been someone's cat at some point.

He's starting to get more comfortable on the third floor because he meuws for me to come up and feed him. And he doesn't hide under the bed when I come up the stairs.

Here I'm doing some ear slides which he loooves and starting to hold his head. He likes to fall asleep with his head in my hand.

I'm really looking forward to reintroducing him to Ms Patches. I wonder how he will feel about her now?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Aroo's Tribute

Thinking more about Aroo...what a brave soul. He knew exactly what he wanted and stuck to it. No pills--never. He wanted to be with his human roommate and he was--until the very end. And I'm sure his spirit is scampering around him, still. I'm sure he visits. Aroo continues to teach us about passing.

Also a lesson in letting go of the notion we can control things. Very humbling. We would have loved for Aroo to stay with us. After all, he was only 7. But Leukemia doesn't leave one with a lot of fighting power in the health department. I've learned that felines with leukemia usually go rather quickly once they get ill. They don't usually die of leukemia but a secondary issue.

You can friend Aroo if you go to Aroo the Cat on facebook.
At the link below you will find some beautiful photos of Aroo.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Aroo's Exit

no pictures tonight

only fleeting mental images

Aroo bounding through endless fields, rolling and sniffing...reunited with cat of mortal constraints

free to be the true cat spirit he is

he was ailing for some time, rebounding some...then slipping back.

each time rebounding a little less, slipping a little more, til he retreated under the bed. there he waited for his cat nurses to be with him. he wanted to pass with company. i know i shouldn't anthropomorphize, but this time it is true--there were witnesses. he did not want us to let go of him. when we dared, he would lift his weary head and give us a quick look as if to say "where do you think you're going?!" and we quickly returned.

under the bed he received some very gentle touches and slides along his torso, behind his neck, on his ears. the places we knew he liked. and some reiki--even friends sending long-disatnce reiki. in the not too distant past he would sometimes be energized to go eat.  tonight was very different. he was already leaving when we got there.

we meditated.

we researched online the choices of euthenasia verses dying naturally at home.

we discussed.

we knew he hated going outside. and he was so frail. he knew he wasn't going, we were to discover that. we thanked him for being a loving, demanding, stubborn and gregarious friend. never an aggressive bone in his body. always a lot to say.

i can't write anymore tonight. it hurts. at the end we laid him on his roommate's (otherwise known as "his human's") lap. we all touched him as he took his last breaths. ellen saw his spirit spring out.

thank you, Aroo, for sharing so much love down to the last second

we will always love you